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About Dr. Ed Park, MD, MPH

Founder, Recharge Biomedical

Expert in Regenerative Medicine using exosomes

Dr. Ed Park is a key opinion leader in the emerging field of using stem cell exosomes to improve health and wellness. Since 2019, he has been a pioneer in developing the clinical uses for exosomes and trains physicians via conference lectures and an online training course. Despite not being FDA-approved yet, exosomes from mesenchymal stem cells are active from birth to death in repairing and regenerating your body. Dr. Park trained as an undergraduate and resident at Harvard and received his Medical Doctorate and Masters of Public Health degrees from Columbia University.

Since 2007, he has taken a telomerase activator, which as you can see here:

He feels has kept the grey hair and reading glasses away despite being 55 years old. To learn more about telomeres and exosomes, you can go to youtube.com/drpark65

To download four years of educational materials about exosomes, go to https://ovou.me/edwardpark

Dr. Park is licensed to practice medicine in five states: California, New York, Texas, Florida, and Hawaii. He makes frequent house calls in all those states. The most often requested treatments are for arthritic or injured joints, vascular and nerve insufficiency, sports injuries to tendons and ligaments, and general health and wellness.

When combined with telomerase activators, exosomes may provide an opportunity for enhanced health and wellness. He can be reached via email to: drpark@rechargebiomedical.com and by phone call to 714-369-8633. More information is available at rechargebiomedical.com

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