Take Control of Your Health with 30 Days of Step by Step Help & Coaching

About John Edwards

John Edwards is a marketing, sales and consulting professional with over 30 years of experience at leading organizations such as Time Warner, AOL, Netscape, CompuServe, and Communica. As Executive Vice President with Communica, he helps direct digital marketing and sales initiatives for both B2B and B2C clients. Areas of focus include strategic consulting, digital tools and platform integration (including marketing automation, CRM, and social media), as well as content development expertise – all designed to accelerate marketing and sales. John works with companies across a broad range of industries including manufacturing, media, telecommunications, consumer products, e-commerce, healthcare, professional and financial services, and more. He is also Marketing Skills (A/B/C) and CRM-Field Marketing Certified through the Business Marketing Institute, and has also been an active angel investor, entrepreneur, and advisor working with portfolio companies at the Ohio Tech Angel Fund, 10x Accelerator, TechColumbus, and others.

From the Blog

No Need to Go on This Journey Alone

30 Day ALI Quick Start Program

30 Days of Step by Step Help & Coaching to Take Control of Your Health Today

Start Your 30-Day Plan

Providing a roadmap for a Much Longer, Higher Quality Life

Listen to the Podcast


All information and recommendations on this site are for information only and are not intended as formal medical advice from your physician or other health care professionals. This information is also not intended as a substitute for information contained on any product label or packaging. Diagnosis and treatment of any health issues, use of any prescription medications, and any forms of medical treatments should not be altered by any information on this site without confirmation by your medical team. Any diet, exercise, or supplement program could have dangerous side effects if you have certain medical conditions; consult with your healthcare providers before making any change to your longevity lifestyle if you suspect you have a health problem. Do not stop taking any medication without consulting with the prescribing doctor.